Application Process
We thank you for pursuing Calvary Day School as a partner with your family in the Christian education of your child. The following checklist will assist you in the admissions process. If at any time you have questions or need additional help, our admissions team is here to walk alongside you! We can be reached at 336-714-5479 or
ADMISSIONS UPDATE: At the present time, we have limited availability, but there is still space in some grades. For specific information about each grade in Preschool (2 year, 3 year, 4 year and Transitional Kindergarten), Lower School (K-6th) and Upper School (7th-12th), go to the Admissions Page under Application Process. An application that is submitted will either be in active status or be put on a waiting list. The $100 application fee is non-refundable, but an application that is not made active this year can be rolled over to next year with no additional fee. The waiting list is fluid and the opportunity to move to active status is a possibility as circumstances change. When a waiting list reaches capacity, the application for that grade will be disabled and a family will not be able to access the application.
How to Apply
1. Submit/Access an application
In addition to the online application, Calvary Day School requires records from the student’s current school, as well as recommendations from teachers and the principal or guidance counselor.
2. Interview with the principal
Once we have received a completed admissions file with all the requested documentation, the school will contact you to schedule this interview. The interview will be conducted on the campus of Calvary Day School and at least one parent is required to attend. If meeting with the Upper School Principal, at least one parent and the student must attend.
3. Accept Enrollment
If all admissions requirements are satisfied, the CDS Admissions Office will notify the parent of an offer of enrollment. The parents will receive instructions on the steps needed to accept the offer of enrollment.