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K-12th Grade Teacher Observations


General Information

Thank you for your time and attention as you complete this observation form for Calvary Day School. This student has applied to Calvary Day School, but has not been enrolled. Your observations of this student's academic abilities and work habits are very important to our admissions process. Your responses will remain confidential and will only be accessible to our Admissions Team. For questions, please call the CDS Admissions Office at 336-714-5575.
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Student Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Teacher Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
What grade level do/did you teach this student? Please select only the ones that apply.required
What subject(s) do/did you teach this student? Please select all that apply.required
Level of instructionrequired
Student's attendance in your class(es).required
Student's reading fluency:required
Student's spelling accuracy in written work:required
Student's phonics skills proficiency:required
Student's ability to write legibly:required
Student's ability to read with understanding:required
Student's ability to express him/herself in written work:required
Student's ability to express him/herself orally:required
Student's ability to compute with reasonable speed and accuracy:required
Student's ability to understand math concepts:required
Student's knowledge of basic math facts:required
Student's math problem solving skills:required

Student Study Habits and Participation in Class

Student's academic achievementrequired
Student's motivation and effortrequired
Student's ability to listen attentively to you as his/her teacherrequired
Student's ability to practice self controlrequired
Student's ability to complete work on timerequired
Student's attention spanrequired
Student's organizational skillsrequired
Student's participation in classroom discussionrequired
Student's ability to ask pertinent questionsrequired
Student's attentiveness when others speakrequired
Student's classroom achievement is consistent with ability.required

Student's Personal Characteristics

Student's peer relationshipsrequired
Student's willingness to accept responsibilityrequired
Student's overall conductrequired
Student's respect for authorityrequired
Student's personal integrityrequired
Student's leadership abilityrequired
Student's concern for othersrequired
Student's positive attitude toward classroom activitiesrequired
Student's favorable response to peersrequired
Student's appropriate expression of disappointmentrequired

Parental Observations

Parent's overall support and involvementrequired
Parent's willingness to cooperate with facultyrequired
Parent's expectations for studentrequired
Parent's involvement in student's educationrequired
Is the parent's perception of the student consistent with your perception of the student?required
Please select all words that best describe the studentrequired

General Comments

Have there been any circumstances (e.g. extended illness, separation, divorce, death in the immediate family) that have interfered with the student's academic performance?required
Is this student served by an IEP, 504 plan, or have need of academic accommodations?required
Do you recommend this applicant for admission to Calvary Day School?required