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Principal/Counselor Observations


General Information

Thank you for your time and attention in completing this observation form for Calvary Day School Admissions. This student has applied to Calvary Day School, but has not been enrolled. Your observations of this student while attending your school are very important to our admissions process. Your responses will remain confidential and will only be accessible to our Admissions Team. For questions, please call the CDS Admissions Office at 336-714-5575.
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Student's Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Principal/Counselor's Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Observation of Student
Student's relationship with peersrequired
Student's respect for authorityrequired
Student's response to correction/disciplinerequired
Student's expression of self confidencerequired
Student's concern for othersrequired
Student's ability to express disappointment appropriatelyrequired
Student's leadership abilitiesrequired
Is the student reliable and trustworthyrequired

Parental Support and Involvement

Parents cooperate with school or school's recommendationsrequired
Parent's expectations of student arerequired
Parent's involvement in student's education isrequired
Overall parental support and involvementrequired
In your opinion, is the parent's perception of the student compatible with the school's perception of the student?required
Does this family (or their children) participate in activities that cause this child to be absent from school? (e.g. vacations, athletic events, competitions, etc.)required

Other Information

Has the student ever been referred for education, medical, or behavioral evaluation or testing?required
Does this student have an IEP, 504 plan, or academic accommodations?required
Is the student currently taking regular medications?required
Has this student ever been referred to your office (or another administrator) for disciplinary reasons?required
Has the parent given a reason for leaving your school?required
Have there been any circumstances (e.g. extended illness, separation, divorce, death in the immediate family) which have interfered with the student's academic performance?required
Do you recommend this applicant for admission to Calvary Day School?required