Computer Science
Calvary Day School offers a full computer science track starting in the elementary grades and extending into the high school. Students are taught computer literacy, digital citizenship, computer science exploration, and job-ready coding skills.
Digital Art
High School students have the choice to take Digital Art as their elective. They learn how to use different graphic design programs including but not limited to Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign. They are taught real world applications of these programs to prepare them for their future.
Tech Team
Students are given the opportunity to learn new skills within the audio/visual technology arena. Students help run the chapels through sound, lights, graphics, and cameras. They also work with the variety of productions that the school holds throughout the year including all our theatre productions. They learn how to work as a team and how to operate all the equipment in the Worship Center. Calvary Church staff help facilitate the use of the equipment and work alongside the school with all the various tech needs.